Diaconate Ministries
Deacons Ministry serves as the spiritual leaders of the church. They function as partners with the Pastor, carrying out the mission of spiritual growth and advancing the general interest of the church body and maintain a close relationship with the pastor, and are committed to supporting the vision and purpose of the church ministries.
Deaconess Ministry assists the pastor, deacons, and the ministries of the church in order to obtain excellence and kingdom building within the church and also the community.
Trustee Ministry exalts the Lord as trusted servant leaders as they oversee the handling and processing of all church monies, properties, and real estate in a manner of excellence.
Christian Empowerment Ministries
Sunday School members receive the teachings of the Bible and the principles of the Christian religion. Classes are held for adults during the week, on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. and Thursdays at 4:00 p.m., virtually on the conference call (1-605-313-5072 • #352952)
New Beginners welcomes new believers to equip and empower them for work in ministry. New members will be encouraged to fulfill the Great Commission, which is to share the gospel and make disciples worldwide.
Membership Integration allows members to walk through the process of becoming a member of Cedar Street Baptist Church.
The Cedar Nursery provides a safe, secure, caring environment for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. The nursery is open during the 10:00 a.m. worship service.
Student Aid Ministry seeks to help college students in our congregation.
Cedar School International (CSI) offers biblically based classes for individuals and families that are on the grow! Each semester (Fall and Spring), a new listing of bible study and life application classes is offered to the community at large.
Family Life Ministries
Couples Ministry provides Christian fellowship, workshops, and retreats to all married and engaged couples with the goal of strengthening relationships. This ministry provides an opportunity for others to share in God’s glory, whether times are joyful or challenging.
Singles Ministry provides Christian fellowship and opportunities for personal development with the goal of strengthening individuals who are not married. This ministry offers individuals from all walks of life the experience of remaining faithful to God against societal pressures they may experience.
The MOCS (Men of Cedar Street) Ministry, which includes every man of Cedar Street, helps men live out the image of God in all areas of their lives by connecting with God and other men through service and fellowship.
EmpowHer (Women’s Ministry) promotes spiritual growth and maturity in women, reflecting our belief in the authority of God’s word and the preeminence of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. “Empowered women spreading light in our homes, church, and the community.”
Kingdom Kidz offers a place for children (ages 0-12) to begin their Christian journey. Kingdom Kidz Worship is offered on Sunday mornings where exciting biblically based lessons and activities are engaged.
Prime Timers provides an opportunity for our seasoned saints to fellowship regularly and serve the community.
Youth and Young Adults Ministry helps our youth and young adults express their own, unique way of worshiping, fellowshipping, and reaching out to those who are in need of a spiritual transformation. From children’s church to young adults, there is a place for everyone.
Health Ministry diligently works to promote health, healing, and spirituality among the CSBC congregation and the community through awareness and educational programs and activities; as well as assisting members in their time of need.
Outreach Ministry/Dorcas & Rebecca Missionary Ministry is dedicated to showing God’s love in words and actions in our church and community. As of July 2022, we extended our love globally through World Vision’s efforts in Ghana.
Fitness Ministry aspires to be effective in training believers of Christ to become good stewards of their temples by being holistically fit, focusing on their physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being.
Worship & Logistical Ministries
Ushers Ministry accommodates every worshipper who enters the church with a seat in the most pleasant and efficient manner possible. They serve during Sunday service, revivals, special programs, and while visiting other churches.
Security Ministry stewards a safe, effective worship environment for our Sunday worship opportunities and church activities, including collections, parking, and general physical security.
Hospitality Ministry exemplifies Christian love through their dedicated commitment to serve the body of Christ in a cordial and cheerful manner – from the Pastor and First family to the staff, church leaders, members, and guests.
Events and Experiences Ministry ensures of the 5-Star commitment throughout the planning and implementation process of events and experiences of the church’s individual ministries as well as church-wide celebrations. As a ministry and service to our community, our facilities are made available for wedding receptions, birthday parties, family reunions, and similar events.
Greeter’s Ministry exists to express tangible hospitality to church attendees as they enter the campus by providing a doorway greeting, a smile, a hug, or an encouraging word.
Pastoral Helpers provide support and assistance to Pastor through prayer, worship experiences, special projects, and on special occasions by protecting them physically and spiritually. Helpers also assist visiting ministers that may preach on Sundays or during revivals. This ministry wears the breastplate of righteousness at all times.
Transportation Ministry provides a means of transportation for all who are in need and desire to come to worship or an event. The transportation volunteers are eager to help by providing a safe and convenient way for seniors, youth, and anyone interested in attending various church services and functions.
Worship & Divine Arts
Music, Worship & Divine Arts serves by ministering to the congregation through songs of praise, as well as movement through the body. These ministries are committed to offering their gifts to the Lord and initiating a 5-star worship atmosphere within the congregation, community, and Kingdom of God.
Multimedia Ministry serves the needs of individuals from the pulpit to the door. This “behind-the-scenes” ministry brings forth the WORD through sight and sound by using electronic media techniques and formats to communicate the gospel to those outside the church, some of whom are lost, and enhance the presentation of God’s word during church services and events.